Kollekt, aimed at promoting second-hand clothing, facilitates local trade to conserve resources and extend the lifespan of clothes. A minimum viable product was developed through multiple iterations, with a focus on usability, screen design, and technical feasibility.
- Nuxt
- Nuxt PWA
- Tailwind CSS
- Vee-Validate
- Firebase SDK
- Various utility libraries
- > Frontend
- > Backend
- Express
- Mongoose
- Swagger
- Sendgrid
- Docker
- Pm2
- Nginx
- Apache (Certbot)
- > DevOps

News feed featuring latest articles, taking personal filter settings into account.

User to user chat to exchange about buying procedure.

For common article-details filter settings can be placed. Applied application-wide

Article view. Provides the possibility to contact the article owner.
Category search provides browsing with custom settings.
The chat feature, a first-time design and implementation, allows users to contact each other about specific articles. On initial contact, an email with a discussion link is sent to the contacted user via Sendgrid, eliminating the need for a separate mail server.
The Federal Environment Agency reports a per capita clothing consumption of 26 kilograms annually in Germany and eight kilograms globally. This decreases with more people in a household. The rise of secondhand clothing can limit fast-fashion production. Kollekt promotes local clothing trade, considering article location.
By taking part in the design process myself and improving my own work over multiple iterations I had lot’s of fun during this project.